This time of years calls for warm meals! Switching many meals to focus on in season foods is not just about comfort it's more sustainable. Eating in season foods are higher in nutritional value. Grown closer to your home = supporting local farmers + less cost on environment. If you're into caring about the environment, this is a huge way to make a difference! #eatlocal
Foods being trucked from afar lose nutritional value. Now this doesn't mean you shouldn't buy tropical fruit in the dead of winter. Being aware & focusing on eating seasonally picked foods will help you, your family & our planet. Sustainable living is the new sexy.
Winter foods = warming foods. Carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, squashes, beats, mushrooms & citrus fruit are "winter foods". These are foods higher in complex carbs = fuller longer.
Here is a great place to check what is in season in your neck of the woods - What's in Season? Produce Calendars for All 50 States - Farm Flavor.
Remember if you buy from Mexico (or Florida) - what's in season there is different, not bad. Using our world market is an incredible tool we should use. However understanding your food source is important.
Great options to preserve your nutrient dense local picks = freezing, canning, pickling or dehydrating. We like to do a variety, stocking the freezer w/berries for smoothies all winter is dirt cheap, delicious & most importantly nutritious!
The picture to the left is my baby bird & I harvesting cherries @thegorgewhitehouse in #hoodriver Oregon, a family favorite. You can get a hard cider (they use their own grown fruit) & harvest w/a buzz! Best u-pick ever! - Home | The Gorge White House
Picture to the right is me shoveling snow with a mama & baby moose on the family homestead. Hoping the baby is a bull & he sticks around. I grew up on moose meat, its leaner than beef & tastier if you ask me.
Know where your food comes from. If you don't know about feed lots, go check one out. Use your senses, decide for yourself, is saving a few bucks to eat non-grass-fed, free-range beef or wild game worth the cost? For the animal & you?
Ok enough about #seasonalfoods & my spiel on eating wild & free food, below is my Crock Pot Roast Recipe.
Pro Tip* Brown roast over medium high heat, sear all sides in seasoned cast iron skillet before putting in crock pot. This + iron too!
*Yummy Tip: + 4lbs Halved Mushrooms (I LOVE white mushrooms w/this recipe)