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Diet Free Sustainable Living

As an Alaskan Native & 3rd generation fisherman, salmon was on the menu often. On the homestead my family would take leftover salmon, cooked earlier in the week, mix it up w/a few things from the fridge & boom lunch. Grandma would often spruce it up w/a nice plate, quality crackers & Dedushka's favorite, fresh vegetables. We would sit & refuel. Years later it's still a go to. Simple, savory & flexible. The recipe below is inspired by my Jackinsky gene.

Wild salmon vs farmed salmon

Wild Salmon Nutrition Facts:

It's loaded w/amino acids, omega 3's, vitamin E & B, selenium & niacin.

Aka: Muscle, brain, neurological, hormone & vision support. A true super food! #superfood #wildsalmon #wholebodysupport

Note in the picture, nature's work is the far left fillet, man's curating on the right. Nature is so rich in nutrients. Farmed is rich w/ toxins & additives. The fat content is higher, vitamins & minerals lower. You can physically see how big of an impact your environment & intake has on your body. #naturesnutrients

Food for thought: Too much control, comfort & convenient come at a cost.

If you are unaware of this process, please take the time to educated yourself on where your food is coming from. Or anything you ingest. #knowyourfoodsource

Salmon superfood

Salmon Respect:

The life cycle of a wild salmon is extraordinary. Thier value reflects the journey they embark on.

Their skin & bones are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium. Don't waste any of it. Give the skin to the dog or roses over the trash!

Udaq is the Aleut word, my native heritage, used for describing salmon respect. This great fish has restored the land & my people for generations. If you go fishing, please pack in what you pack out. Even better, see trash pack that out too. Maybe mother nature will reward you w/enough fish to provide for you & your family. Then you can enjoy this simple salmon salad recipe to aid whole body health! #alaskanative #salmonrespect #sustainable

Warning: You might leave the river bank w/only a fish story, fresh air + someone else's trash. Unless you didn't pack protection, that's a recipe for a bear's simple salad. #packprotection

Be prepared. Communicate your plan. Stay humble. Fish on! #supportlocalfisherman

Simple Salmon Salad

Has this led you down a new rabbit hole, creating more confusion? You're not the only one. The system failed you, telling you to following the "food pyramid". The ultimate pyramid scheme. Unsure how to achieve whole body health? Let's make a plan. #foodpyramidisascheme

Nutritionist Shay Jackinsky Wearly


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